From Confessions of a High Class Escort Lady

From Confessions of a High Class Escort Lady

Most people know how to behave when they go shopping, to the hairdresser or when hailing a taxi.
Many know how to wait in line, leave a tip and not throw up in the back seat.
But many don’t know how to behave when booking an escort lady at an escort agency.

How to behave with an escort lady to avoid unpleasant situations

When you consider that men and women who work in the sex industry put their bodies on the line, it’s only fair to try to be polite and friendly.
But what are the things you should and shouldn’t do?

Can you ask an escort lady to reduce your service charge because you’re a repeat customer?

Absolutely NOT! Don’t be the guy with the messianic complex!

There are two types of customers:

The first is the overprotective client: they want to talk to you for half an hour about your personal life and ask you too many personal questions, including whether you work for pleasure.

And then there are the clients who “love” you so much that they want to “rescue” you from this “horrible life”. These clients always tell you to think like this: “But you’re so pretty and clever, why are you doing this job as an escort lady?”
Or: “Shouldn’t you try to find a real job?”.

It’s annoying because they don’t take me seriously. I understand that they mean well, but it’s also very boring and unpleasant. I am a professional escort lady and I take my job seriously.

Then there are “pushers” – people who always want more and for free: “We’ve known each other for a while, can’t we do it without a condom?”. Or: “Can we talk about the fee?”.

To me, this is the death of passion. Before, I tried to explain calmly and nicely that it doesn’t work that way and that I have very clear rules. But unfortunately, it doesn’t always work, so I have to impose my opinion.

One of the most common questions I get from clients is “What about you?”.
It’s nice, but it doesn’t help any of us.
First, in these situations, it’s not about what I like, and secondly, I doubt we like the same things.
This comes, of course, from the very good idea that sex should be fun for both partners, but sex for money is something else.
Clients always forget that they are interested in making themselves feel good, not in making me happy!

The best thing a client can do for me is to tell me clearly what they want!

Often virgins come to me who are very stressed and who have never learned to talk about sex.
They find it hard to put into words what they like and don’t like, and what turns them on. The more you tell me what you like, the better we’ll feel together.

I have to say that hygiene is very important!

I don’t know you, so make sure you are freshly washed and clean when you meet someone. Not only that, but I do the same!

One of the most important rules here is to wear a condom. It’s amazing how many people try to get around this rule. “I’m spotless, I recently took a test”, but I’m telling you: don’t spoil the mood, and besides, you knew beforehand that safe sex is one of my conditions of employment.
The same goes for the contact information request phase. “Come on, can you tell me what your real name is? Don’t you have a phone number I can call you directly?”.
NO! The job of an escort lady comes with a lot of risks, so it’s better for both of us to remain anonymous.

Many clients give me a business card in case I want to call them. I take it every time and throw it away as soon as I leave…

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